Dunmurry Presbyterian
A Friendly Church for ALL
We moved into our new Church complex at the end of 2010, the ordination & installation of our new minister Rev. Grant Russell Connor being the first church service to be held in this new and exciting complex on Wednesday 24th November 2010.
The Church was officially opened by the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, The Right. Rev. T. Norman Hamiton O.B.E, B.A, B.D ,D.D on Saturday 19th February 2011.
Internal Views of the Church
Pipes from the Old Church organ
Stain Glass Windows from the
Old Church
A welcoming view of the Foyer with the Coffee Dock to the right - where you can spend some time together.
The Memorial Garden is through the Glass Doors on the right, with the Memorial plaque beside the seating area.