Dunmurry Presbyterian
A Friendly Church for ALL
Dunmurry Bowling Fellowship
The year ending December 2015 has again been a mixed year for our club, in that we have had one member pass away, and several members have been ill. We have however continued to have around 16 bowlers on the mats. We also enjoyed friendly matches with other church bowls clubs. The club resumed bowls after the Christmas recess on a Monday, 4/1/16, as NI Blood Transfusion wished to use the hall on our usual Tuesday. Our usual post Christmas dinner accordingly was held at Lisburn Golf Club, and although a very icy night, it was well attended and both the ambiance and atmosphere were very warm.
Our President’s Night on 16th February was well attended & there was a good evening of competitive bowls, with prizes being awarded on the night. Our last friendly of the season was at home, with McCracken, and a wonderful night was had. The Bowler’s Service was held on Sunday morning 13th March 2015, where we were led in worship by Rev Grant Connor. It was a well attended service with club members participating. Mr Bill Harkness & Mrs Iris Coey did Readings, Mrs Yvonne Robinson & Mr John Ritchie the Prayers and Collection of the Tithes & Offerings was done by Ms Helen Wilson, Mrs Daly Elwood, Mr Raymond Hilland & Mrs Vera Spratt. The flowers for the church were also provided by the club.
On 22/3 the club was visited by Grant Connor, on what was to be his last visit as he had received a call to be Minister at 1st Comber Presbyterian. Our President, Bob Roulston, wished Grant & his family well in their new venture.
We were deeply saddened by the news that Doreen McMullen died on 9th April, after an illness, and her funeral on 12/4 was well attended by club members. Our thoughts and sympathies are with her beloved husband, and fellow club member, David.
The 2015/16 season drew to a close for short mat play with our last night of bowls at Dunmurry being on 12th April, then the club & invited guests all met at Lisburn Golf Club, for High Tea, on 19th April. The last event of the season was our AGM on 26th April where we saw the usual change in our President, with Mr Bob Roulston handing over to Mrs Vera Spratt. Our Secretary, Mr Barry Martin and our Treasurer Mrs Irene Kennedy, were reelected, and after some debate there were new elections to committee. There then followed the award of trophies for our in-house competitions. A light supper followed before the club went into recess for the summer.
We resumed bowls on our regular Tuesday nights for the 2016/17 year, commencing on 13th September 2015. With some members being absent, due to illnesses etc, it was a slow start to the season with only 12 players on the mats, but competitions were started & are progressing well. Friendly matches have been organised for the new year.
Numbers have increased & up until December we consistently have 18 or so people bowling each night, with our non bowler spectators. It was also great to see Mr Bertie Barclay back on the mats following his hip operation and a 2 year absence from playing.
As usual, any new members regardless of age or skill level, will be made most welcome.
Barry J Martin. Hon. Secretary.